Demo of simple-portfolio-with-cms-cwntfs
🧱 Tutorial on Medium
Create simple portfolio with content management system following a single article.Stack: Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Flowbite, Supabase.
Tags: Next.js App Router.
Web Projects
My web projects mostly created with React.
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Simple Portfolio
Practice quick web dev with Next.js 13 (React) App Router following a single article. No backend.
Ecommerce Store
A full-stack ecommerce store built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB. Features include user authentication, product search and filtering, and shopping cart functionality.
Social Media App
A social media app built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB. Features include user authentication, post creation and commenting, and user profiles.
Recipe App
A recipe app built with React and the Edamam API. Features include recipe search and filtering, ingredient list, and nutrition information.
Mobile Projects
My mobile projects mostly created with React Native.
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Weather App
A weather app built with React Native and the OpenWeatherMap API. Features include current weather conditions, hourly and daily forecasts, and user location detection.
Food Delivery App
A food delivery app built with React Native and the Uber Eats API. Features include restaurant search and filtering, menu items, and user orders.
Fitness App
A fitness app built with React Native and the Fitbit API. Features include workout tracking, step counting, and user goals.
Travel App
A travel app built with React Native and the TripAdvisor API. Features include destination search and filtering, hotel details, and user reviews.
Desktop Projects
My desktop projects mostly created with Electron.
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Note-taking app
A note-taking app built with Electron and the Duolingo API. Features include language selection, lesson plans, and user progress tracking.
Music Player
A music player app built with Electron.
Study Spatial Repetition App
A Study Spatial Repetition App built with Electron. Features include language selection, lesson plans, and user progress tracking.
Anki Clone
An Anki Clone built with Electron. Features include language selection, lesson plans, and user progress tracking.